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Музыка востока. ПЕРЕВОДЫ ПЕСЕН

Ольга Замрева: Попытаемся разложить по полочкам наши знания о восточной музыке. Добавляем по следующей схеме: Автор музыки, для кого написал, о чем песня, ну и сам трек песни Дополняем друг друга и поддерживаем:) Переводы на английский язык с сайта http://www.shira.net http://www.orientaldancer.net Переводы классических и эстрадных композиций можно посмотреть здесь: http://bd-articles.narod.ru/SongsLyrics.html http://haremdance.narod.ru/html/translat.html http://arabi.4bb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=9&p=5 http://ranin.ru/index.php/transl http://bellydance.webtalk.ru/viewtopic.php?id=51 Если вы заметили в тексте перевода ошибку, прошу исправить, мы все вместе за качество! Очень прошу всех жаждущих, имеющих переводы присоединяться и добавлять! Переводы этих песен вы найдёте в теме Akdib aleyk (Акдэб алейк) Ana f'Inta Zarak Alf Leyla wa Leyla - 1001 Ночь Amarain ( Две луны) Batwanes Beek. Ты всегда со мной Harramt Ahebbak Ya Tamra Henna Wahashtiini Sirat El Hob Sawah AAESH BADAK Tab Wana Maly Baateriflik Mawood Ana Bastanak

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Светлана Кречмер: Про футбол?

Ольга Мигачева: Batwanes Beek «Ты всегда со мной» Поет Варда аль Газаирийя Batwanes beek wa enta m''aya Я дорожу твоим обществом, когда ты рядом Batwanes beek wa bala''i fi ''orbek dunyaya Я дорожу твоим обществом, когда ты рядом и обретаю свой мир, когда ты рядом Chorus: Хор: Lama ''et''arab ''ana batwanes beek Когда ты приходишь ко мне, я ценю каждое мгновение, проведенное с тобой Wa lama beteb''ad ''ana batwanes beek Когда ты далеко, я чувствую твое присутствие Wa khayalek bikoun wayaya wayaya И твой образ со мной Wa enga''h soutek, soutek bewanasni Мысль о твоем голосе утешает меня Wa hawak fil bou''d, fil bou''d beyahrousni Твоя любовь хранит меня, как бы далеко ты ни был Wa shouq ''enadilek gouwaya Любовь зовет тебя из самых глубин моей души Wana, wana, wana, wana, wana, wana, и меня, и меня, и меня, и меня, и меня ''Ana ''ana ''ana ''ana ''ana ''ana Меня, меня, меня, меня, меня Betwanas beek wa ''enta ma''aya Я дорожу твоим обществом, когда ты рядом Part II: Часть 2. Bitmour s''at ba''ad louana После нашего свидания прошли часы Wa rouh liwugudek ''atchana И моя душа снова жаждет твоего присутствия Tewahashni ''ayneek Я так скучаю по твоим глазам Wa bal'' edounya ba''it fadya И мир кажется пустыней Ma''a ''eni enaas rayha wa gaya Даже если вокруг толпы людей Wa ana bahlem beek Я мечтаю о тебе ''Ala toul fi khayali banadeelek Я всегда зову тебя Wa ba''oul ya ''atgini ya hagilek И спрашиваю себя - придешь ли ты ко мне, или же я приду к тебе Men gheer mawa''id Безо всяких свиданий (просто так? прим.пер.) Wa yadoubek wa fi nefss ''esanya О, если бы ты мог прямо сейчас Ba l''ik ''oudami ya ''aneya Оказаться рядом со мной, ты зеница моего ока Wa el''id fil ''id И взять мои руки в свои ИМХО Е. Рамазанова здесь у ударе...сколько раз смотрю это видео, столько раз вдохновляюсь!

Ольга Мигачева: оригинал из фильма Варда Warda, "Tab Wana Maly" перевод Каримы К чему мне тревожиться о бедах Когда я провожу счастливейшие ночи со своим любимым Я так люблю тебя, всем существом И даже если в твоих глазах я вижу укор, ну и пусть К чему мне тревожиться Солнце светит и согревает нас Мы покрыты его теплом как розами Жизнь предлагает нам медовое счастье Я предвкушаю завтрашний день, забывая Какие я пережила тяжелые времена В своем прошлом. Из-за того что мы вместе теперь Эти дни забыты. Ты думаешь я боюсь обвинений? К чему мне тревожиться? А теперь давайте споем вместе, и повторяйте за мной - Наша любовь такая молодая это ее первый день рождения. Поэтому, печали, пусть ваши раны утихнут. Ищите другую дорогу, Здесь вам не место. Из-за того что мы вместе теперь Эти дни забыты. Ты думаешь я боюсь обвинений? К чему мне тревожиться? Итак, В самом начале она поёт: Mali ana mali - Я не знаю что со мной происходит... Дальше она поёт как она счастлива со своим любимым, как не может нарадоваться тому что они вместе. Такого с ней ни когда не было, по этому она не знает что с ней. Bahabbak ya oyuni - Я люблю твои глаза Потом она поёт как все им завидуют, как сплетничают, говорит любимому не обращать на это внимания. и т.д. habbu habbu kulyu - люди! любите друг друга (и всё такое) потом она опять поёт что без ума от его глаз, что не знает что ней и как она частлива с любимым. и заканчивает - maaaaaali! - я не знаю что со мной

alena : Девушки, а подскажите, где можно найти перевод песен Rola - An Eznak Ya Maleem и Sehrahom?

alena : Девушки, а подскажите, где можно найти перевод песен - Rola An Eznak Ya Maleem и Sehrahom?

Admin: Baateriflik I confess to you I confess to you that I love you And this is the first time I've loved And I was thinking my heart loved a thousand times And I discovered my whole life was a lie And I discovered my whole life was a lie I confess to you I confess to you my soul This is the first time I've loved Without you being by my side I walk and get lost on my path And I call to you come on, come on I find you in my heart oh my heart You tell me "Like you it's the first time I've loved" The first time I've loved

Касумова Светлана: SOS!!!!!! ДЕВОЧКИ!!!! СРОЧНО НУЖЕН ПЕРЕВОД ПЕСНИ Mawood-Abdel Halim Hafez ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА!!!!

Касумова Светлана:

Ольга Мигачева: Ща поможем Какой же нереально длинный текст!!! Света, если переведу, с тебя 1е место как минимум!! Mawood (I've been promised) Куплет1 You're used to. Ты привыкла Mawood. 2р You're used to torture with me. Ты привыкла к пытке со мной Mawood maaya bel azaab. My heart, you are used to it. Моё сердце, ты привыкла к этому Mawood ya alby. You're used to being wounded. Ты привыкла быть оскорбленной Mawood we dayman bel gerah. My heart, you are used to it. Моё сердце, ты привыкла к этому Mawood ya alby. _______________________________________2 раза The pain and wounds never heal. Боль и оскорбления неизлечимы Wala betehda, wala betertah Oh my heart. О моё сердце Fe yom ya alby. Ya alby. _____________2р Повтор Куплет1 And you never, И ты никогда We omrak, Never experienced joy with me. Никогда не испытывала радости со мной Omrak shoft maaya farh. Every time, Каждый раз Kol mara, Returning from the journey with wounds. Возвращаясь из поездок со мной с ранами Terga el meshwar be garh. _____________________2p And today, today, И сегодня, сегодня We enaharda, enaharda You've come to say forget the past. Ты пришла чтобы сказать мне забыть прошлое Gai te-ool ensa el ahaat. You've come to say let us go. Ты пришла сказать дай нам уйти Gai te-ooly yala beena, Let us go, your love has past. Дай нам уйти, твоя любовь прошла Yala beena el hob faat. ____________________ 2р Куплет 2 And he stooped, И он унизился (снизошел) We mayel, And dropped his napkin бросил свою салфетку We hadaf mandeelo And he wrote on it's edge на краю которой написал We kateb ala tarfo For me to go to him. Чтобы ты ушла от меня к нему Ageelo. _________________2h So promise us, oh world, promise. Обещай нам, мир, обещай We amana, amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Вернуть нас к нашей радости, обещай Takhdeena lel farh amana. _________________________4р And keep any grief away from us. И хранить нас от горя Wetkhaly el hozn ba-eed ana. And tell love to wait for us. И скажи любви ждать нас Wet ooly lel hob estana. ________________________2р Повтор куплет 2 Part 2 Again, again, again. Снова Снова Снова Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to love again. Мы будем любить снова Hanrooh lel hob tany. And the fire, and torture, again. И огонь, и пытки снова Wel nar, wel azab, men tany. Again, again, again. Снова Снова Снова Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to the wilderness again. Мы идем в дикую местность Hanrooh lel heera tany. And be lost, and run after our dreams. И будем потерянными и будем бежать за своими мечтами Wen deia, wenegree wara el amany. _____________________ повтор много раз And the moon will vanish, И луна исчезнет Wey gheeb el amar, And embrace the restless nights. И объятия бессонной ночи Weneesh el sahar. And burn with our pain, И огонь нашей боли We ahaty el alam, Through the nights of regret. В ночи сожаления Fe layaly el nadam. ______________2р Куплет 3 The nights. Ночи Ya leyl, Oh the nights. Ночи Ah ya leyly, Oh the nights. Ночи Ah ya leyly, The embrace of the restless nights. Объятия бессонной ночи Ya hodn el sahar. You who saw in my eyes the tears, Ты, которая видела слезы в моих глазах Yaly shoft fe enaya el demoa, And I always return alone. И всегда возвращалась одна Wana dayman ragei waheed. The nights. Ночи Ya leyl, Oh the nights. Ночи Ah ya leyly, Oh the nights. Ночи Ah ya leyly, The embrace of the restless nights. Объятия бессонной ночи Ya hodn el sahar. Let the dawn of love rise early, Пусть заря любви займется рано Khally fagr el hob yetla badry, And fill our new journey. И наполнит наш новый путь Yemla meshwarna el gedeed. __________________________повтор куплета 3 So promise us, oh world, promise. Так обещай нам, мир, обещай, We amana, amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Вернуть нам нашу радость, обещай Takhdeena lel farh amana. ______________3р And keep any grief away from us. И хранить нас от горя Wetkhaly el hozn ba-eed ana. And tell love to wait for us. И сказать любви ждать нас Wet ooly lel hob estana. _______________2р

Ольга Мигачева: Part 4 And it began, it began, it began. We ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And it began, it began, it began. Ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And oh, my fear. We ah ya khofy, Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy, Oh my fear from the end of the journey. Ah ya khofy men akhr el meshwar. Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy. And it began, it began, it began. We ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And it began, it began, it began. Ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And oh, my fear. We ah ya khofy, Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy, Oh my fear from the end of the journey. Ah ya khofy men akhr el meshwar. Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy. Heaven or fire? Gana wala nar ah ya einy? I'm going regardless, but I'm doubtful. Rayeh wana mehtar ah ya khofy. Heaven or fire? Gana wala nar ah ya einy? I'm going regardless, but I'm doubtful. Rayeh wana mehtar ah ya khofy. And it began, it began, it began. We ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And it began, it began, it began. Ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And oh, my fear. We ah ya khofy, Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy, Oh my fear from the end of the journey. Ah ya khofy men akhr el meshwar. Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy. Heaven or fire? Gana wala nar ah ya einy? I'm going regardless, but I'm doubtful. Rayeh wana mehtar ah ya khofy. Heaven or fire? Gana wala nar ah ya einy? I'm going regardless, but I'm doubtful. Rayeh wana mehtar ah ya khofy. And it began, it began, it began. We ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And it began, it began, it began. Ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And oh, my fear. We ah ya khofy, Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy, Oh my fear from the end of the journey. Ah ya khofy men akhr el meshwar. Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy. And it began, it began, it began. We ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And it began, it began, it began. Ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And oh, my fear. We ah ya khofy, Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy, Oh my fear from the end of the journey. Ah ya khofy men akhr el meshwar. Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy. Heaven or fire? Gana wala nar ah ya einy? I'm going regardless, but I'm doubtful. Rayeh wana mehtar ah ya khofy. Heaven or fire? Gana wala nar ah ya einy? I'm going regardless, but I'm doubtful. Rayeh wana mehtar ah ya khofy. And it began, it began, it began. We ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And it began, it began, it began. Ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And oh, my fear. We ah ya khofy, Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy, Oh my fear from the end of the journey. Ah ya khofy men akhr el meshwar. Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy. And it began, it began, it began. We ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And it began, it began, it began. Ebtada, ebtada, ebtada. The journey began. Ebtada el meshwar. And oh, my fear. We ah ya khofy, Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy, Oh my fear from the end of the journey. Ah ya khofy men akhr el meshwar. Oh my fear. Ah ya khofy. Heaven or fire? Gana wala nar ah ya einy? I'm going regardless, but I'm doubtful. Rayeh wana mehtar ah ya khofy. Heaven or fire? Gana wala nar ah ya einy? I'm going regardless, but I'm doubtful. Rayeh wana mehtar ah ya khofy. And we met. Wet abelna, And life was beautiful in front of our eyes. Wel haya odam eneina helwa. And we met. Wet abelna, And the words from her lips were melodies. Wel kalam fok el shafaief ghenwa. And we met. Wet abelna, And life was beautiful in front of our eyes. Wel haya odam eneina helwa. And we met. Wet abelna, And the words from her lips were melodies. Wel kalam fok el shafaief ghenwa. Everything that I thought of, Kol haga fakart feeha, Within a second you responded to. Fe lahza wahda radeit aleiha, With a beautiful glance from her eyes. Be nazra helwa men eneiha. Everything that I thought of, Kol haga fakart feeha, Within a second you responded to. Fe lahza wahda radeit aleiha, With a beautiful glance from her eyes. Be nazra helwa men eneiha. I saw hope in her eyes. El aman fe eneiha. I felt like I reached my hope in her eyes. Haseit enny adeit lel aman fe eneiha. I saw hope in her eyes. El aman fe eneiha. I felt like I reached my hope in her eyes. Haseit enny adeit lel aman fe eneiha. And take as much kindness as you'd like. Wel hanaan khod menny wedfaa, You who is deprived of any kindness. Yally mahroom mel hanaan. And take as much kindness as you'd like. Wel hanaan khod menny wedfaa, You who is deprived of any kindness. Yally mahroom mel hanaan. I saw hope in her eyes. El aman fe eneiha. I felt like I reached my hope in her eyes. Haseit enny adeit lel aman fe eneiha. I saw hope in her eyes. El aman fe eneiha. I felt like I reached my hope in her eyes. Haseit enny adeit lel aman fe eneiha. And take as much kindness as you'd like. Wel hanaan khod menny wedfaa, You who is deprived of any kindness. Yally mahroom mel hanaan. And take as much kindness as you'd like. Wel hanaan khod menny wedfaa, You who is deprived of any kindness. Yally mahroom mel hanaan. And the moon rose. Wel amar tilaa, And the fear resigned. Wel khof ba-eid. And the moon rose. Wel amar tilaa, And the fear resigned. Wel khof ba-eid. And the wind became warm. Wel hawa defei, And the nights heard our pleas. Wel leil simaa. And the moon rose. Wel amar tilaa, And the fear resigned. Wel khof ba-eid. And the wind became warm. Wel hawa defei, And the nights heard our pleas. Wel leil simaa. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana, amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana, amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. And keep any grief away from us. Wetkhaly el hozn ba-eed ana. And tell love to wait for us. Wet ooly lel hob estana. And keep any grief away from us. Wetkhaly el hozn ba-eed ana. And tell love to wait for us. Wet ooly lel hob estana. He stooped, mayel, And dropped his napkin. We hadaf mandeelo And he wrote on it's edge We kateb ala tarfo For me to go to him. Ageelo. He stooped, mayel, And dropped his napkin. We hadaf mandeelo And he wrote on it's edge We kateb ala tarfo For me to go to him. Ageelo. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana, amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. And keep any grief away from us. Wetkhaly el hozn ba-eed ana. And tell love to wait for us. Wet ooly lel hob estana. And keep any grief away from us. Wetkhaly el hozn ba-eed ana. And tell love to wait for us. Wet ooly lel hob estana. Part 5 You see where we are, you see? Shoof ba-eina fein shoof. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. You see where we are, you see? Shoof ba-eina fein shoof. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. To the path of the past we're returning. Fe sikit zamaan ragein, To the path of the past. Fe sikit zamaan. At the same place we were lost. Fe nafs el makan daieen, At the same place. Fe nafs el makan. To the path of the past we're returning. Fe sikit zamaan ragein, To the path of the past. Fe sikit zamaan. At the same place we were lost. Fe nafs el makan daieen, At the same place. Fe nafs el makan. Neither our wounds heal, my heart, La giraahna bitihda ya alby, Nor do we forget the past. Fe sikit zamaan. Neither our wounds heal, my heart, La giraahna bitihda ya alby, Nor do we forget the past. Fe sikit zamaan. You see where we are, you see? Shoof ba-eina fein shoof. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. You see where we are, you see? Shoof ba-eina fein shoof. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. To the path of the past we're returning. Fe sikit zamaan ragein, To the path of the past. Fe sikit zamaan. At the same place we were lost. Fe nafs el makan daieen, At the same place. Fe nafs el makan. To the path of the past we're returning. Fe sikit zamaan ragein, To the path of the past. Fe sikit zamaan. At the same place we were lost. Fe nafs el makan daieen, At the same place. Fe nafs el makan. Neither our wounds heal, my heart, La giraahna bitihda ya alby, Nor do we forget the past. Fe sikit zamaan. Neither our wounds heal, my heart, La giraahna bitihda ya alby, Nor do we forget the past. Fe sikit zamaan. You see where we are, you see? Shoof ba-eina fein shoof. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. You see where we are, you see? Shoof ba-eina fein shoof. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where we are, my heart? Shoof ba-eina fein ya alby. And where has she gone? We heya raheit fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. You see where she took us to, my heart? Shoof khadeitna le fein ya alby, And do you see where she left us? We shoof sabeitna fein. To the path of the past we're returning. Fe sikit zamaan ragein, To the path of the past. Fe sikit zamaan. At the same place we were lost. Fe nafs el makan daieen, At the same place. Fe nafs el makan. To the path of the past we're returning. Fe sikit zamaan ragein, To the path of the past. Fe sikit zamaan. At the same place we were lost. Fe nafs el makan daieen, At the same place. Fe nafs el makan. Neither our wounds heal, my heart, La giraahna bitihda ya alby, Nor do we forget the past. Fe sikit zamaan. Neither our wounds heal, my heart, La giraahna bitihda ya alby, Nor do we forget the past. Fe sikit zamaan. Part 6 The path has awakened our senses. Bet sahy el tareek khataweena, To the years of grief, and the sky. We anin el seneen. Wel sama, The sky weeps for us El sama betebky aleina And our days of grief. Wel nay el hazeen. Our days of grief. El nay el hazeen. The path has awakened our senses. Bet sahy el tareek khataweena, To the years of grief, and the sky. We anin el seneen. Wel sama, The sky weeps for us El sama betebky aleina And our days of grief. Wel nay el hazeen. Our days of grief. El nay el hazeen. Even the stars of the night, Hata negoom layaleena, And the moon have vanished. Wel amar ghaibeen. Vanished, vanished, Ghaibeen. Ghaibeen. Vanished. Ghaibeen. Even the stars of the night, Hata negoom layaleena, And the moon have vanished. Wel amar ghaibeen. Vanished, vanished, Ghaibeen. Ghaibeen. Vanished. Ghaibeen. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to love again. Hanrooh lel hob tany. And the fire, and torture, again. Wel nar, wel azab, men tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to the wilderness again. Hanrooh lel heera tany. And be lost, and run after our dreams. Wen deia, wenegree wara el amany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to love again. Hanrooh lel hob tany. And the fire, and torture, again. Wel nar, wel azab, men tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to the wilderness again. Hanrooh lel heera tany. And be lost, and run after our dreams. Wen deia, wenegree wara el amany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to love again. Hanrooh lel hob tany. And the fire, and torture, again. Wel nar, wel azab, men tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to love again. Hanrooh lel hob tany. And the fire, and torture, again. Wel nar, wel azab, men tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to love again. Hanrooh lel hob tany. And the fire, and torture, again. Wel nar, wel azab, men tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to the wilderness again. Hanrooh lel heera tany. And be lost, and run after our dreams. Wen deia, wenegree wara el amany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to love again. Hanrooh lel hob tany. And the fire, and torture, again. Wel nar, wel azab, men tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. We'll go to love again. Hanrooh lel hob tany. And the fire, and torture, again. Wel nar, wel azab, men tany. Again, again, again. Tany, tany, tany. And the moon will vanish, Wey gheeb el amar, And embrace the restless nights. Weneesh el sahar. And burn with our pain, We ahaty el alam, Through the nights of regret. Fe layaly el nadam. And the moon will vanish, Wey gheeb el amar, And embrace the restless nights. Weneesh el sahar. And burn with our pain, We ahaty el alam, Through the nights of regret. Fe layaly el nadam. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana, amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana, amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. So promise us, oh world, promise. We amana ya donia, amana. Take us to our joy; promise. Takhdeena lel farh amana. And keep love away from us. Wet khalee el hob ba-eed ana, We won't wait for him. Wala nestana, So he shouldn't wait for us. Wala yestana.

Касумова Светлана: Оль, даже не знаю как выразить свою благодарность СПАСИБО БОЛЬШОЕ

Ольга Мигачева: Пожалуйста! Видюшку выложишь потом с танцем

Olgida: Раньше в заголовке этой темы были названия всех песен, переводы которых описаны в теме. Куда все делось? или я не туда зашла

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